Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Universe Likes to Watch Me Squirm

So, July is normally a good month for me. We get a pretty major holiday to celebrate, and we get my birthday (and no, those two events are not the same thing!). This year, however, things didn't work out quite so well.

To set the tone for my month, I got some really horrible, awful, gonna-take-a-while-to-adjust news. So I have been alternately crying and trying not to cry for about three weeks now. Fortunately, I have some pretty awesome family and friends who are helping me through the horrible-awful. I'm picking up, readjusting and coming to terms with a different version of what I thought my life would be.

But then came the insult to injury events:

  • Never leave permanent markers out where your 4 year old can reach them. The second time I wore my brand-new birthday present (fabulous dress from Ann Taylor from an even more fabulous sister), said permanent marker and dress had an unfortunate run in. Despair! Tears! And I'm talking about mom here ...
  • I threw my keys in my apartment complex compactor. All of them. My car key, my house key, my mail box key, every single one of my reward cards ... I realized that hooking them over my finger (because I didn't have any pockets) while throwing away my trash wasn't a great idea about the time those keys slipped off said finger and went sailing into a smelly, dark maw of trash. 

Fortunately, the universe doesn't actually hate me (it apparently just likes to watch me squirm). I was able to get the permanent marker out of my dress (soaked it in milk. Who knew?). And because I live in an apartment, I was able to get one of the maintenance guys to go dumpster diving for my keys (and he was soooo nice about it, too, which was awesome because I felt pretty terrible that he was going to have to go in there for my keys).

Lessons learned: Nothing is really permanent, even permanent marker, being lost, or crappy marriages (and, hopefully, divorces). And that's a good thing!