Thursday, January 22, 2009

Working Out and Working Hard

I am very proud of myself right now. I've made it to all of the gym classes that I said I was going to — except yoga, but that's the working hard part of this post — and I got a TON of work done on Tuesday.

So my new fitness plan involves going to Body Step & Pump classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Pilates on Wednesday & Friday (conveniently right after the Body Pump classes), Yoga on Thursday and running on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I've finally figured out a way to make sure that I actually go. Gym time is now me-time. I can drop N off in the day care and, provided that he's not screaming he head off, have one-two hours of uninterrupted time to think and plan. Don't get me wrong; I love my baby. I thank God for him every day. But at the same time, it's nice to get away from him sometimes. So going to the gym accomplishes two things for me: I get fit (lose weight) and get some me time.

I didn't make it to yoga on Tuesday because that was my deadline for turning in events, and I missed it. I grossly underestimated the time it would take me to double-check all my info. While I hated missing my deadline, it was nice to know that, if I need to, I really can get a lot of work done with N here. Granted, D handled most of the day, but I still managed to get a bunch done while I was "on." I feel pretty good about getting a "schedule" worked out. I say "schedule" loosely, because schedules and babies don't often go hand-in-hand. We used to have a schedule, but he's pretty much given up on napping. I think his teeth are bothering him — it feels as if his two bottom teeth are getting ready to pop through and, Lord knows, he's been fussy enough lately.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Car, Bald Kitty and Crazy, Crazy Days

I finally broke down and bought a new car: an Acura RDX. As I was trying to haul all 17.4 pounds of N in and out of the backseat of my 2-door '97 Honda Civic, I decided that yes, the time had come. It was hard to trade in no car payment for a healthy back, but my back won. I figure this is a cost-saving measure, because surgery would be much more expensive! I think N is enjoying the new ride, too, although I'm sure Mommy is much less colorful during the installation and removal phases. I love my new car. I love having four doors on my new car!

In the spirit of more good news, we found out that Jester is, in fact, completely healthy. We'd started worrying because he'd quit grooming himself, looked as though he'd lost weight and had an out-of-litter box incident. Several hundred dollars and one lion cut later, though, we've learned that he's probably just stressed. Maybe I should share my meds with the cat; it would be cheaper. It was all worth it, though. Watching my cat stroll around almost completely bald has been endlessly entertaining. And the experience seems to have done wonders for his temperament.

Finally, I've decided to really — seriously — get my line of smarmy greeting cards going. I recently attended a WINOS (women in need of sanity) event at a wine store a few miles down the road. The founder explained how this WINOS gig got started, and I thought, "If she can do it, so can I." So here we go. Stay tuned, because I'll be enlisting lots of help to get the word out once I get them finalized and printed!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Solid Food Experience (Belated Post)

Christmas dinner was held at our house this year. Sounds complicated, but it really wasn't. We did a potluck, so it was lots of fun.

But the evening's main entertainment was, of course, N's first meal. We used homemade apple sauce, and he LOVED it. No faces, no fussing and no crying. He opened his mouth for more and kept grabbing the spoon to try to get more in faster. We all had a good laugh.

Since then, he's taken very well to eating solids. He's not as crazy about the store-bought version, but I like how much easier it is!

Time to Write?

I am thankful that I lead a full life, even when that full life means I don't have as much time for the things I enjoy.

Between baby, work and trying to lose that last bit of baby bulge (plus a few bulges I have to blame on myself!), finding the time to write for myself is tough. Right now, the baby is sleeping upstairs after a somewhat brutal doctor's appointment this morning. He has a little bit of an ear infection (to do: pick up prescription), and between that and his shots, he had a rough morning! I should be taking advantage of his nap to get a little bit of work done, but I'm feeling virtuous for getting some done this morning, so I'm writing for myself now.

I used to be able to write whenever the inspiration hit me. Now I'm trying to harness inspiration, and let me tell you, that is one tough beast to tame. I spend more time planning my articles than I used to. While planning makes my articles better, they sometimes lack the pizazz they used to have: that clever turn of phrase that took them from to-the-point to fresh and inventive. I'd like to be able to combine the two, the deliberate and the creative, to elevate my writing.

I think I just gave myself another New Year's resolution to work on!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Sarah Cordell 101

OK, so I've started a blog. Here's the million dollar question: what do I have to blog about?

I'm a 30-plus mother of one. Married for longer than five years. Trying to figure out the balance between being a stay-at-home mom and a stay-at-home writer. 

Being at home with my baby is wonderful. Being at home with my baby is hard. 

I miss the structure of going in to an office. I miss seeing the friends you make among the cubicles. I miss being able to bounce around ideas or to chat at the coffee maker or to hear the latest customer horror story.

But I love the quiet in front of my computer. I love being able to take a break to nurse my baby. I love the freedom to work by my schedule, whatever that schedule may be. 

I love my life.

I've made many resolutions in the past, and I'll continue to make them (I have quite a few for this year already!). But my biggest resolution, the one at which I want to succeed above all others, is finding something to be grateful for each day. I have been so blessed in my life, but I easily overlook those blessings and focus instead on the things I don't have. 

In 2009, I resolve to spend more time giving thanks. Here's to 2009!