Friday, October 30, 2009

Been a While!

Wow. It's been a while since I updated!
We're looking forward to Halloween tomorrow. N is going as Yoda. Ought to be interesting, since he's not a big fan of hats. We'll see how long it lasts! Hopefully at least long enough for me to snap a few pictures.
Other than that, life has been pretty tame. N is officially a toddler. He spends most of his time walking/running around. He LOVES to play outside. He also loves our kitty, who still won't go anywhere near him. So sad. Definitely a love-hate relationship there.
I received my belated anniversary present last week: we hired a cleaning service. Ah the joy of having a clean house that I didn't have to do the work for! Although it did present me with a bit of a conundrum; I so badly wanted to clean the house before they came! I hate for anyone to see my house dirty. I just had to remind myself that I was paying them to do it, and I managed to not vacuum.