Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Write Time

I'm a little nervous about this month. My mom usually comes up Mondays & Tuesdays each week to keep an eye on N while I get some work (ie, paycheck work, not household work) done. This month, however, she's going to be gone for two weeks. I can't begrudge her time away. For one thing, I'm not paying her! For another, one of those weeks away she and Daddy will be in Europe. I can be insanely jealous, but I can't begrudge her.

However, that's two whole weeks that I'm going to have to find time to write around N. And now that he's mobile, that's even more challenging than it used to be! We had some friends over Saturday night, and I spent all day cleaning up and chasing him. He was either getting into something he shouldn't or making a mess in the room I'd just cleaned up. I know, I know: shades of things to come.

It wouldn't be that bad, except that N thinks Mommy's computer is a big, cool toy. I've tried sitting in the floor with him, me on the laptop, him with his blocks (music thing-y, books, rattles, car thing-y, etc.), but that's not lasting very long these days.

In the hopes of trying to get as much done as humanly possible, I've mapped out my month. I will definitely be taking advantage of the Mommy's Morning Out offered at my gym. I plan on being very productive on Thursday mornings! How is it possible that the days get shorter the longer they get?

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