Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A List for Balance

I have always been a list maker. I have lists of things I want to do, things I need to do, things I plan to cook, things I need to buy to actually cook what I've planned, places I need to be, people I need to call, messages I need to send ... my life is ordered by my lists.

My love of lists springs partly from a need to stay on top of what's going on. If I didn't have a list, I would be a hot mess: constantly late, always forgetting things and generally letting people — myself included — down. But the real joy in lists, for me, is how they make me feel, as if I am actually accomplishing something.

I do a lot of stuff every day. And yet, at the end of the day, I sometimes look around at the messy kitchen, the stack of mail cluttering up the sofa table, the toys that are strewn across the living room floor like casualties of bombing raid, and wonder "What the hell have I done today?" Lists are a physical way to remind myself: oh yeah, I did a LOT today, it just didn't happen to be anything involving housework. (And yes, I have been known to add an already accomplished task to my list just so I can gain the satisfaction of crossing it off.)

The challenge for me has been organizing my lists. They end up in the margins of planner pages, on the back of receipts or even scrawled over the back of my hand. I started carrying a blank notebook around in the hopes of trying to keep my various and sundry lists straight. And yes, I even considered the idea of making a list of my lists (and that would be my OCD, thank you very much!).

This weekend, while enjoying some Mommy-time on Pintrest, I came across a bullet journal pin. And, oh happiness, I have found list-maker nirvana. For the uninitiated, the bullet journal is basically a way of managing your lists. Many of the pins I found involve an awful lot of what looks like scrap-booking techniques to make things pretty, which appeal to my crafty nature, but the essence of the bullet journal is MANAGING THE LIST. I'm not sure I can adequately convey the depths of my nerdy excitement. I IMMEDIATELY bought a new blank notebook (I don't really need an excuse to do that, but I'll take one if it's handed to me) and have begun my new adventure. I'll keep you posted on how the journey progresses!

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