Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Remembering My Childhood: There's a Chicken Theme

As I've mentioned before, my son is in a "tell me a story about when you were growing up" phase. I'm not sure if it's just the novelty of new stories or appreciating the strange way his mommy grew up, but those stories are miiiiighty popular right now.

It's funny, too, because most of them I had forgotten. Some, of course, are family legend: the vicious rooster Valentino, who would attack you if you dared enter his domain to retrieve the eggs the chickens had laid. So Mamai (my mom) kept a wiffle bat by the chicken coop so she could knock him over the head before going in for the eggs. If she was lucky, he'd stay in a corner shaking it off long enough for her to get the eggs and get out. Unfortunately, my older sister (probably 6 or 7 at the time) didn't use the bat trick when she went to go get the eggs one day, and Valentino took advantage of her lapse. (YES, my big sister was attacked by a vicious chicken!) Mamai, alerted to the danger by the star of this story (that would be me! ;)), came to the rescue with the bat, and shortly after that, Valentino became stew. Good ol' Valentino.

Some stories, though, I'd forgotten about until I started consciously trying to remember tales to tell my son. For example, I'd forgotten (quite possibly on purpose) that one of my favorite toys as a 5 year old was a rubber chicken. And not one of those cartoony silly rubber chickens; oh no, mine was a bald, life-like chicken that I was so proud of that I even took it to show and tell. Like I wasn't weird enough already. Ah well. It makes for interesting reminiscing and lots of laughs for the kiddo!

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